Thursday, June 23, 2011

Organized, smorganized!

I am a creative soul, I like to play, I am easily distracted, I like to have options and choices when I create.  For the most part I do not multi task well, I am better when I give my undivided attention to something and complete it, than when I try to do more than one thing at once.  It took allot for me to acknowledge this in myself, I feel like I am letting my gender down, statistically, 'they' say that women are better multi taskers than our male counterparts.  It is highly likely that I have more than one thing on the go, I like to go back and forth as the mood strikes.  I can have a mess on my desk, but still be able to find things I am looking for however by nature I am not an organized person. I am capable of organizing, I LIKE things organized but I do not like the process of getting organized.  I like the look of neat and tidy, everything in it's place - I do not live in that place. 

I know I have issues, many, many issues.  Separation issues, emotional attachment issues to stuff - healthy?  I think not, I am working on getting over this, I have taken many bags & boxes to the local thrift store lately.  WAY more than I have in the past - this is good (not easy but good for sure)  I have been listing things on craigslist - not much luck there, however after a set time, if I get no bites there then off to the thrift store it goes. 

I need to reclaim some of the space in my house, to get a grip on organizing the things we actually USE, not just the things that I think I want to have or the things I think we NEED.  We live in so much excess, there are so many things in my home that others could put to better use.  I need help.... lots of help (trust me, LOTS of help)

I went searching for help  and I found a gold mine in the website .  I am on my way to actually getting it together - we will see how it goes.  I am going to tackle one thing a day and work on it till it's done.  Today = Freezer (yes again)  it is driving me crazy that I started this and did not finish so TODAY I am going to get it done.  Wish me luck.  I will give an update later today - TODAY!  I had better get of this machine and get busy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Why re-invent the wheel.

There are tons of great websites that list daily deals, current coupons and facebook offers.  It would be silly to take the time just for the sake making it 'mine' to re-invent the wheel.  So here today I am giving kudos to the sites I frequent that list many great deals and who I think do an amazing job at keeping the Canadian world of deal seekers up to date and in the know.   THANK YOU.

These are my three favorites - these are the ones I try to check daily.  Each of them is chalk full of great information for our Canadian couponing, deal seeking, shopping market.  I would highly recommend marking them as "favourites" so you can do the same.

Happy Saving!

Coming soon, frugal summer ideas

McGavin’s Bread Basket – $0.06 a Loaf until July 9, 2011

Quick link to an amazing deal on bread. SIX yes SIX cents a loaf. Sweet deal indeed.

McGavin’s Bread Basket – $0.06 a Loaf until July 9, 2011