The second FAQ is do you think it is REALLY worth it.. I mean, .50 here and there does it really make a difference. The answer to the second question is a resounding YES! My year to date savings is up over 700.00 in coupon savings only. Add to that $75.00 in gift cards received simply for shopping, points collected on a variety of cards, it is certainly worth it to us. So back to the first question... where do I get my coupons.
Many of you know of sites like Smart Canucks, an all inclusive informative resource site that is worth checking you. Websaver, and Proctor and gamble are all personal favorites that will mail you coupons on request. However the grocery store is the one place that I am always keeping my eyes open because you just never know where you will find a great coupon that can actually make you some money.
I saw this my last trip to the store. Do I need Iced tea right now... no, BUT it is something that we will go through by the gallons when the weather turns, AND I had a $1.00 coupon that will expire at the end of May.
So despite the fact that it was not on sale (5.97), because it had $10.00 in coupons on it for frozen pizza I decided to pick it up during this trip.
1) frozen pizza is something I like to have on hand in the freezer at all times.
2) I have learned that products with coupons such as these are a buy now or never see again (sort of like shopping at Winners or the thrift stores)
$5.97 less the $1.00 coupon = $4.97 Is not a bad price.
Remember however it is only a true deal if the product purchased and the products featured on the product ARE products your family will use.
Happy Hunting!
These are the kinds of things I have my eyes open for all the time. If you shop often enough, you generally know when prices are good or not. Then, when you see these kind of deals, you can do a quick calculation to figure out whether it is a good deal. And when you can use coupons in conjunction with sale prices, then the savings really add up.