Sunday, March 6, 2011

Time... it is a ticking BUT it is well spent.

Yes, clipping coupons takes time. 

Now that my system is in place and it is working for me it takes me a couple of hours a week to clip / sort / file.  In the beginning it certainly took much more time as I was setting up my system and just getting used to it all. ( 8 to 10 hours is not unrealistic when you are first setting up, to get it all figured out, sorted, keep in mind you only want to be doing this once)

I  spend about 30 - 45 min weekly checking the coupon sites on-line to make sure I have all the up-to date ones coming to me or that they are printed for the next time I go shopping.

Sunday afternoon when all the new fliers have landed in front of my door, I spend about an hour perusing them to see what is on sale, what I have coupons for and what I need.  This is when I make my shopping list.

I do think that it is worth every minute, and I am saving $$ not pennies.
My goal is to save 100's a month and I think it is realistic.

Here are some things that I do to make the best use of my time.

I have one area I put the coupons when the arrive at the house so I am not spending time looking for them when I sit down to clip / sort / file.  In this same place I also have scissors, paper clips, ruler, pen paper so I do not have to go looking for them.

I clip / sort / file when watching a movie or TV - this is time I was spending anyways, now I am productive when I am watching.

I enlist able bodied children when they are willing and watching.  My youngest will clip and sort, while I file.

When I have multiples of the same flyer I cut them or tear them in sets of the same pages.

When I stared to think again about clipping coupons back in May as a way to save money I wondered if it would actually be worth it, I have found that it certainly is.  Last week's coupon savings was over 50.00 for around 2 hours of time invested (not including the actual shopping) that would be like getting paid $25.00 per hour - that is not too shabby I'd say.

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