Friday, March 25, 2011

To stash or not to stash that is the question....

How much of a good thing is too much?  Is there a limit?
When does stock piling or stashing items become hoarding?  Is there a difference?
When does "Getting the good deal" feed a deeper issue than just trying to feed your family, and keep them and the house clean?  (shopaholic?  OCD?)
When does "getting the good deal" cost you more? 
What about expiry dates and best before dates?  Things like toothpaste can go bad. 

I think these are questions you have to ask & answer for yourself.  Each of us will have a different answer for each question - and that is o.k.  I think that the problems come when we just shop and do not have limits and do not ask our selves the questions.  One person could have a different answer 2 months from now too as their life situation changes.  It's o.k. Life is about finding a balance that works for you. 

When I watch some of the extreme coupon shows on YouTube (no cable in our house) I think wow  excessive much?  Do we really need 40 years worth of toilet paper in the house?  Not likely, at least not here in North America where we have the convenience and privilege of a grocery store / department store or drug store on pretty much every corner.  With each of those stores featuring something new on sale every week is there truly a NEED for such a stock pile? There comes a time when "being prepared" becomes being obsessed and neurotic.  Sure in today's roller coaster economic situation it is good to be prepared, to look a head to save for a rainy day, but seriously, even the largest of families can not go through that much TP before things pick up or the next sale/coupon rolls around.  I think that we need to be realistic, what does my family use?  What does it really truly NEED?  This too will be different for each family.  I also very much realize and appreciate that these levels are different for different people and different family situations.

For example a family that lives a rural area far from decent stores will need a larger stash than a family like mine who has several shopping options within a 4 min drive. 
People living in areas with threats of extreme weather ccertainly need to have more items on hand, especially in those extreme weather months.
A larger family will require much more "on hand" in an average month than my family of 5. 

As with anything in this life the key balance.  A balance that works well for your family.  Balance that is not excessive and wasteful.  I have a small stash, small for several reasons;
One I am limited by space. 
Two I do not want to stock things my family will not use
Three I know the sale rotations of my local stores and know that the same product will be on sale again in 6 -9 weeks. 

For me and my family my stash is limited to items we will use in the time before the next sale rolls around. OR the sale with coupons added is too good a deal to even consider passing up. Which means a 90 -100% savings.  Even with coupon / sale combination I am considerate of the "shelf life" of the product.  My major " stash" item would be feminine hygiene products.. with 4 girls in the house,  that is pretty much obvious. With these items in my stash I have paid only taxes.  Meaning that with coupons and sale combinations I have gotten them for FREE!  Free is always good when I am going to pick them up and add them to the 'stash'   Items like Shampoo, toothpaste, tooth brushes and deodorant are also items I will continually stock up on - simply because we go through them on a continuous basis.  The other biggie in my stash is cleaning supplies, before I started couponing, and really watching sale prices cleaning supplies are one thing that I purchased sparingly, multi surface products that will do more than one job, not always the best job either, but it was a way of cutting corners.  Now I find that there are tons of coupons out for cleaning supplies and I often can get them for next to nothing if not free (taxes only paid).  So I have a 'collection' of cleaning supplies in my stash.  I guess you could say that in the long run I have trouble spending money on things that literally go down the drain.
So what is it that you 'stash' and would hate to pay full price for? 

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